Saturday, June 2, 2007

Grand Oiseau est mort

The other day we went to this park, again on the grounds of an old castle. They had fenced areas with birds. This one reminded me of "Big Bird" on Sesame Street, of course they have a French version, "Rue Sesame" but no "Grand Oiseau" no "Kermit la grenouille" they changed it all around. Anyway it hits me a little strange, as you might notice frog or "grenouille" is feminine "la" but "homme-grenouille" is masculine frogman.
The castle is fixed up very nicely with a modern resturant bar, where we had our afternoon cafe.
as you can see, "il n'y a personne ici" nobody is here, another strange word you might think you understand. If you heard "je n'ai vu personne" any english speaker can see that is, I saw a person. Judges say WRONG, it translates I saw nobody. A few people were there but as you can see when the wind blew all the water in the umbrella's was blowing around, pretty wet. It's 2.5 eu's to come here and they have tennis courts, boats, miniture golf, and all sorts of things for the kids.

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